Takeaways from China’s 2023 Two Sessions: Scenarios for Chinese National Security and Foreign Policy and the Future of Korea-China Relations ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/14230 ) at Linked Data

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  • Takeaways from China’s 2023 Two Sessions: Scenarios for Chinese National Security and Foreign Policy and the Future of Korea-China Relations
  • Takeaways from China’s 2023 Two Sessions: Scenarios for Chinese National Security and Foreign Policy and the Future of Korea-China Relations
  • Takeaways from China’s 2023 Two Sessions: Scenarios for Chinese National Security and Foreign Policy and the Future of Korea-China Relations
  • takeawaysfromchina’s2023twosessions:scenariosforchinesenationalsecurityandforeignpolicyandthefutureofkorea-chinarelations
  • 1. A Bird’s Eye View of China’s National Security and Foreign Policy through Two Key Policy Documents 
    2. Dissecting the Words of the Chinese Leadership: Chinese Foreign Policy and National Security Strategy in 2023 and Beyond 
    3. China’s National Security and Foreign Policy Seen through Organization Reshuffle Announced at Two Sessions 2023
    4. Evaluation and Outlook
    5. Implications for South Korea-China Relations
    China’s annual “Two Sessions,” known as the “Lianghui” is a political event comprised of the annual meetings of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Thousands of delegates from across China gather to review the accomplishments of the previous year, deliver policy announcements, and confirm the list of proposed candidates for senior government appointments. This year’s Two Sessions lasted for 10 days; the CPPCC meeting began on March 4 and ended on March 11, and the NPC held its opening meeting on March 5 and concluded the session on March 13. 
    The 2023 Two Sessions, the first political gathering to be held since Xi Jinping secured his third term as China’s president, cemented the CPC senior officials’ positions within the government and concluded organizational overhaul, which all marked the final formalization of Xi Jinping’s precedent-busting third term as China’s leader. While the Two Sessions have traditionally been arranged to set forth the country’s economic and political direction for the upcoming year, the Chinese leadership in a rare move highlighted an increasingly volatile and uncertain external environment surrounding China at the 20th Party Congress held in 2022. Given the Party’s bleak assessments of China’s external environment, it is important to reflect on the outcomes of this year’s gathering and take a look at how they might affect and shape China’s foreign policy and national security strategies in the coming years.
    *Attached File
  • "2023"^^xsd:integer
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  • 표나리 아시아ㆍ태평양연구부 조교수
  • "20230413"^^xsd:integer
  • 2023-04E
  • KOR

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