[IFANS PERSPECTIVE]How to Prepare for the Resumption of US-North Korea Nuclear Negotiations ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/13760 ) at Linked Data

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  • [IFANS PERSPECTIVE]How to Prepare for the Resumption of US-North Korea Nuclear Negotiations
  • [IFANS PERSPECTIVE]How to Prepare for the Resumption of US-North Korea Nuclear Negotiations
  • [IFANS PERSPECTIVE]How to Prepare for the Resumption of US-North Korea Nuclear Negotiations
  • [ifansperspective]howtopreparefortheresumptionofus-northkoreanuclearnegotiations
  • I.  Introduction
    II. A New Environment for North Korea Policy 
    III. Issues to Anticipate when the Biden Administration Prepares for Negotiations 
    IV. Conclusion 
    I.  Introduction
    This paper reviews the issues that are expected to emerge when the Biden administration prepares for or engages in nuclear negotiations with North Korea and suggests possible ways to address them. As a matter of fact, North Korean nuclear issue was not included in the priorities list of the new Biden administration which will focus its immediate attention on urgent domestic issues, such as public health and the economic and political crisis. Moreover, the North Korean nuclear issue is likely to be pushed down in the list of diplomatic tasks including restoring the US global leadership, rebuilding alliances, US-China competition, controlling infectious diseases, climate change, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. 
    Nevertheless, North Korea has a history of nuclear and/or missile provocations coinciding with the inauguration of new US administration, thus deterring provocations is an urgent task. Moreover, one cannot ignore North Korea’s already formidable nuclear and missile capabilities and extraordinary nuclear and missile development programs that North Korea unveiled at the 8th Congress of the Workers’Party (WPK) in January 2021. North Korea’s upgraded nuclear and missile capabilities are direct threats not only to South Korea and Japan, both US allies, but also to the US military forces stationed in the Asia-Pacific region and US mainland. Against this backdrop, this report will analyze the prospects for the US and North Korea’policies towards each other, and examine various issues that will emerge when Biden's administration prepares for nuclear negotiations with North Korea. 
    * Attached the File
  • "2021"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/kor/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=13760&menuCl=P18&clCode=P18&koreanEngSe=KOR"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 전봉근 안보통일연구부 교수
  • "20210406"^^xsd:integer
  • 2021-04E
  • KOR

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