Characteristics of North Korea’s Changing Strategic Lines in Recent Years: Comparative Analysis of Changes in Pyongyang’s Messages and Reshuffling of its Leadership ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Characteristics of North Korea’s Changing Strategic Lines in Recent Years: Comparative Analysis of Changes in Pyongyang’s Messages and Reshuffling of its Leadership
  • Characteristics of North Korea’s Changing Strategic Lines in Recent Years: Comparative Analysis of Changes in Pyongyang’s Messages and Reshuffling of its Leadership
  • Characteristics of North Korea’s Changing Strategic Lines in Recent Years: Comparative Analysis of Changes in Pyongyang’s Messages and Reshuffling of its Leadership
  • characteristicsofnorthkorea’schangingstrategiclinesinrecentyears:comparativeanalysisofchangesinpyongyang’smessagesandreshufflingofitsleadership
  • IF2020-07E
    Characteristics of North Korea’s Changing Strategic Lines in Recent Years: Comparative Analysis of Changes in Pyongyang’s Messages and Reshuffling of its Leadership
    April 23, 2020
    HWANG Il-do
    Assistant Professor, Dept. of National Security and Unification Studies
    I. Introduction
    Pyongyang’s announcements of new
    strategic lines in recent years have been
    the source of external audiences’
    inferences about North Korea’s internal
    policy-making process under Kim Jong-un. The
    delivered message together with a shake up of its
    leadership ranks prior to and after major policy
    shifts would help us understand how Kim Jong-un
    is different from his predecessors in terms of his
    overarching principles guiding the policy-making
    process. With this as base data, it would be possible
    to get a bird’s eye view of North Korea’s political
    terrain in the Kim Jong-un era.
    Since Kim Jong-un’s ascension to power,
    Pyongyang has tailored responses to various
    security and economic issues to its designated
    strategic lines. From March 2013 to April 2018, the
    Kim regime’s policies were firmly anchored with his
    “byungjin” policy of simultaneous development of
    the economy and nuclear weapons capabilities.
    Until April 2019, North Korea’s actions had been
    guided by the Kim Jong-un’s re-stating of a new
    strategic line that prioritizes economic
    development. And from that point onward, North
    Korea’s policy and propaganda efforts have been
    focused on supporting the strategic line Kim
    Jong-un set out calling for North Koreans to break
    through barriers and to foster a self-reliant
    In tackling security issues, North Korea’s
    changing strategic lines can loosely be grouped into
    the following timeline: a period of rapid
    advancement in its nuclear and missile capabilities
    from 2016 to 2017; a period of inter-Korean and the
    U.S.-North Korea dialogue; and the impasse after
    the 2019 U.S.-North Korean summit in Hanoi
    ended without any deal or agreement. In the
    economic domain, the Kim Jong-un regime has
    shown a clear indication of making progress toward
    the Cabinet’s stronger control and responsibility as
    finalized at the Plenary Meeting of the Central
    Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea convened
    at the end of 2019.
    Ⅱ. Analytical Framework
    Ⅲ. Application to Recent Developments: In Security and Economic Domains
    Ⅳ. Assessments
  • IFANS Focus
  • "2020"^^xsd:integer
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  • HWANG Il-do
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  • 2020-07E
  • ENG

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