Dispute between Korea and Japan over Wartime Forced Labor : Developments and Future Outlook ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/13535 ) at Linked Data

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  • Dispute between Korea and Japan over Wartime Forced Labor : Developments and Future Outlook
  • Dispute between Korea and Japan over Wartime Forced Labor : Developments and Future Outlook
  • Dispute between Korea and Japan over Wartime Forced Labor : Developments and Future Outlook
  • disputebetweenkoreaandjapanoverwartimeforcedlabor:developmentsandfutureoutlook
  • IF2019-37E
    Dispute between Korea and Japan over Wartime Forced Labor : Developments and Future Outlook
    November 28, 2019
    CHOI Eunmi
    Research Professor, the Center for Japanese Studies
    I. Introduction
    The Korean government and the
    Japanese government are at odds over
    the Supreme Court of Korea’s final
    ruling on forced labor issued in October
    2018. While the main focus of the conflicts between
    the two sides was on historical disputes in the past,
    the current disagreements are emerging, often
    simultaneously, in areas ranging from security and
    economy, shaping a “complex conflict” between the
    two countries. In this article will present recent
    developments in and the current state of the
    conflicts between the two governments. Also, this
    article will delve into the major sticking points in
    recent disagreements between Korea and Japan,
    and the causes of the protracted conflicts. Lastly,
    some policy considerations will be provided to help
    the two governments resolve the ongoing conflicts
    and mend bilateral ties.
    II. Korea-Japan Relations after the Korean Supreme Court's Ruling and Key Sticking Points in Rows over the Forced Labor Issue
    III. Causes of a Prolonged Conflict and Future Outlook
    1. Causes of a protracted conflict
    (1) Structural change and shifting perception
    (2) Contrasting views on North Korea and differing policies
    (3) Weakening dispute resolution mechanism and disputes becoming infused with domestic politics
    IV. Policy Considerations
    1. Short-term measures: Giving more weight to public diplomacy at home and abroad to foster mutual understanding
    (1) Diplomacy with Japan
    (2) Domestic efforts
    (3) Bringing efforts to the global stage
    2. Mid to long-term measures : Mapping out policies toward Japan based on visions for the future relationship between the two countries
  • IFANS Focus
  • "2019"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/eng/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=13535&menuCl=P11&clCode=P11&koreanEngSe=ENG"^^xsd:anyURI
  • CHOI Eunmi
  • "20191128"^^xsd:integer
  • 2019-37E
  • ENG

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