Rise of Science and Technology Diplomacy and Korea's Response ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/13340 ) at Linked Data

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  • Rise of Science and Technology Diplomacy and Korea's Response
  • Rise of Science and Technology Diplomacy and Korea's Response
  • Rise of Science and Technology Diplomacy and Korea's Response
  • riseofscienceandtechnologydiplomacyandkorea'sresponse
  • IF2018-42E
    Rise of Science and Technology Diplomacy and Korea's Response
    December 20th, 2018
    YOO Joonkoo
    Research Professor, Center for International Law
    I. Introduction
    As the Fourth Industrial Revolution
    marches forward, the ever-growing
    importance of dealing with diplomatic
    issues with cross-border aspects and the ones
    related to the convergence of different fields is
    stressing the role of “science and technology
    diplomacy” in addressing these issues. In other
    words, countries are not only applying science and
    technology like the Internet of Things, Artificial
    Intelligence and Big Data to foreign policy decision
    making process, but also utilizing science and
    technology when engaging in diplomatic activities
    aimed at achieving foreign policy goals. Science and
    technology diplomacy refers to the policy that
    connects and converges science and technology
    with diplomacy. The United States, the United
    Kingdom, Japan and other major countries are
    increasing efforts to promote science and
    technology diplomacy as they view it as a
    sustainable diplomatic strategy.
    Science and technology diplomacy is
    currently gaining traction as expertise in science
    and technology is becoming ever more important to
    combat various diplomatic challenges facing the
    international community. These challenges -
    characterized by convergence - include climate
    change, emerging issues, international public
    domain and unconventional security threats.
    Specifically, against the backdrop of public
    diplomacy that lays emphasis on using a country’s
    soft power in the diplomatic scene becoming
    increasingly important, science and technology is
    perceived as a classic example of soft power to
    combat aforementioned challenges. This is driving
    the countries like the US, Japan and the UK to
    increase their interest and investment in science
    and technology diplomacy. What should be noted is
    that these countries are using science and
    technology diplomacy as means to promote public
    diplomacy. Their skills and abilities in science and
    technology are used on the diplomatic front to
    improve politically sensitive relations.
    II. Paradigm Shift in Diplomacy and Importance of Science and Technology Diplomacy
    III. Science and Technology Diplomacy of Major Countries : Features and Implications
  • "2018"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/kor/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=13340&menuCl=P07&clCode=P07&koreanEngSe=KOR"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 유준구 국제법센터 교수
  • "20181220"^^xsd:integer
  • 2018-42E
  • KOR

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