2017 IFANS FOCUS(July-December) ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/13131 ) at Linked Data

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  • 2017 IFANS FOCUS(July-December)
  • 2017 IFANS FOCUS(July-December)
  • 2017 IFANS FOCUS(July-December)
  • 2017ifansfocus(july-december)
  • 2017 IFANS FOCUS (July-December)
    [Korean Penninsula]
    The Evolution of North Korea’s Nuclear Deterrence Doctrine : 
    Implications for Nuclear Negotiations (HWANG, Ildo)
    Intention and Calculation behind Pyongyang’s Latest Threat 
    to Strike Waters near Guam (HWANG, Ildo)
    Ways to Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program : 
    Based on the Concept of Offset Strategy (SHIN, Beomchul)
    North Korea Can Never Be a ‘Nuclear Weapon State.’ (JUN, Bong-geun)
    Revisiting Implications of NATO Nuclear Sharing: What it Implies for 
    Reintroducing US Tactical Nuclear Weapons on the Korean Peninsula (HWANG, Ildo)
    After the Appearance of ICBMs: 
    Implications of West European Cases of the 1960s (HWANG, Ildo)
    Pyongyang’s Intention behind Nuclear Development and 
    Recommendations for Seoul’s Response (CHOI, Wooseon)
    [Northeast Asian Region]
    The ROK-US Summit : Achievements and Challenges Ahead (KIM, Hyun-wook)
    Latest International Sanctions against North Korea and 
    Proposal for Seoul and Washington (KIM, Hyun-wook)
    China’s Maritime StrategyⅠ: 
    The Process of Institutional Change in Maritime Policies (KIM, Hankwon)
    Current State and Assessment of the North Korean Economy and 
    its Economic Cooperation with China under UN Sanctions: 
    After Pyongyang’s Fourth Nuclear Test (LEE, Sang-sook)
    President Moon Jae-in at the 3rd Eastern Economic Forum and 
    the ROK-Russia Summit (KIM, Dok-ju)
    China’s Trade Retaliation in response to THAAD Deployment and 
    Ways to Respond (LEE, Hyo-Young)
    Trump’s Decision to End DACA and Prospect (MIN, Jeonghun)
    Russia’s Policy on the North Korean Nuclear and Missile Problems 
    and Policy Considerations for South Korea (KO, Jae-nam)
    The Current Political Landscape of Northeast Asia and 
    Significance of the ROK-US Summit during Trump’s Asia Trip (KIM, Hyun-wook)
    The Implications of Trump’s Asia Trip (KIM, Hyun-wook)
    The Dawn of Xi Jinping’s Second Term and Outlook for 
    China’s Reform in the Years Ahead (CHOI, Jinbaek)
    Vision for Korea-Japan-Russia Trilateral Cooperation and 
    Korea’s Way Forward (KIM, Dok-ju)
    Assessment of President Trump’s First Year in Office and Implications (MIN, Jeonghun)
    Market Networks between China and North Korea and the Roles of 
    Overseas Chinese in North Korea after Toughened International 
    Sanctions against Pyongyang (LEE, Sang-sook)
    [Other Major Regions]
    Gulf States’ Split with Qatar
    : Shifting Power Dynamics in the Gulf Region and Outlook (IN, Nam-sik)
    New Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in Latin America and China’s Rise (SON, Hye Hyun)
    The Enforcement of Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly Vote and 
    Growing Tension in Latin America (SON, Hye Hyun)
    The Future of Two-state Solution: Limitations and Alternatives 
    (IN, Nam-sik)
    Analysis and Prospect for Recent Political Crisis in the Democratic 
    Republic of the Congo (KIM, Dongsuk)
    The 2017 UK General Election and its Implications (JUN, Hae-Won)
    The 2017 French Elections and the Future of Europe (JUN, Hae-Won)
    Analysis on 2017 ASEAN-related Summits 
    :focused on ASEAN Plus Three, ASEAN-Korea, EAS (BAE, Geung-chan)
    The End of the First Phase of Brexit Negotiations and Its Implications for Korea 
    (JUN, Hae-Won)
    [Global Issues and Governance]
    G20 Hamburg Summit: Results and Implications (KANG, Seonjou)
    Promoting Trade Diplomacy through Digital Trade (LEE, Hyo-Young)
    Future Outlook and Countermeasures for 
    the Korea-U.S. FTA Amendment/Modification Negotiations (LEE, Hyo-Young)
    Assessing the 2nd-Year Performance of the Asian Infrastructure 
    Investment Bank: China’s Economic Statecraft or a Multilateral Development Bank? 
    (KANG, Seon-jou)
    Directions for Korea’s New Climate Diplomacy (CHOE, Wongi)
    People-Centered Diplomacy as the Domestic Source of Public Diplomacy (KIM, Taehwan)
    Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ): 
    Major Issues and the Implications for Korea on Future Negotiations (SHIM, Sangmin)
    Outcome of the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference and Implications for 
    the Future of the WTO (LEE, Hyo-Young)
  • IFANS Focus
  • "2018"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/eng/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=13131&menuCl=P11&clCode=P11&koreanEngSe=ENG"^^xsd:anyURI
  • "20180207"^^xsd:integer
  • 2017
  • ENG

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