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IFANS FOCUS : January - June 2016
[Korean Peninsula Issues]
The Aftermath of North Korea’s Fourth Nuclear Test and
Denuclearization Strategy
(JUN Bong-Geun)
How to Develop a Credible Deterrent against North Korea? (YUN Duk-min)
UNSC Resolution 2270 on Sanctions against North Korea:
Current Status of Implementation and Prospects
(SHIN Dong-ik)
North Korea at a Crossroads of Regime Transformation (YUN Duk-min)
Evaluation of the 7th Congress of the Workers’
Party of Korea and the Change of Political Elites (LEE Sang-sook)
THAAD Deployment and Korea-China Relations (LEE Ji-yong)
[Regional Issues]
U.S. Presidential Candidates’ Campaign Pledges and Prospects(MIN Jeonghun)
2016 U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Outcomes(SHIN Sung-won)
Assessment of China’s 2016 NPC & CPPCC Sessions(KOO Jaseon)
Normalization of U.S.-Vietnam Relations: Implications and Prospects(BAE Geung-Chan)
Impact of Cuba’s Strategic Interests and Latin American Situation
on the Normalization of U.S.-Cuba Relations(SON Hye Hyun)
UK’s Withdrawal from EU and Future Prospects(JUN Hae-Won)
Assessment of and Prospects for the Implementation of
the Minsk Agreements on the Resolution of the Ukraine Crisis(KO Jae-nam)
The Background and Implications of Saudi Arabia’s “Vision 2030”(IN Nam-sik)
The ISIL’s Propaganda War and Its Implications(IN Nam-sik)
Conflict on the Nile River: Analysis and Prospects(KIM Dongsuk)
[Global Issues]
The Significance of the Agreement on the Issue of ‘Comfort Women’ and
Future Response Direction of the ROK and Japan(CHO Hee-yong)
Trend of Japanese Media Reports on the Comfort Women Agreement
and Suggestions for Public Policy vis-a-vis Japan(PARK Myung-Hee)
The UN System to Ensure Accountability for
DPRK’s Human Rights Violations and ROK’s Role(SHIN Dong-ik)
The Past, Present, and Future of South Korea’s Human Rights Diplomacy
Viewed in the Context of the International Human Rights System(KIM Dok-ju)
Climate Negotiations after the Paris Agreement:
Recent Developments and Prospects(CHOE Wongi)
The Rise of China within the IMF and the Future of
the International Monetary Order(KANG Seon-jou)
Policy Advocacy as Public Diplomacy in South Korea
under the Park Geun-hye Administration(KIM Taehwan)
[Essenstial Documents]
Address by H.E. Park Geun-hye President of the Republic of
Korea at the African Union
Remarks by Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Korea and
Japan at the Joint Press Availability
UN Security Council Resolution 2270
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