China’s Economic Sanctions on North Korea and the Recent Economic Relations between China and North Korea ( ) at Linked Data

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  • China’s Economic Sanctions on North Korea and the Recent Economic Relations between China and North Korea
  • China’s Economic Sanctions on North Korea and the Recent Economic Relations between China and North Korea
  • China’s Economic Sanctions on North Korea and the Recent Economic Relations between China and North Korea
  • china’seconomicsanctionsonnorthkoreaandtherecenteconomicrelationsbetweenchinaandnorthkorea
  • [IFANS Brief 2014-37]
    China's Economic Sanctions on North Korea and the Recent Economic Relations between China and North Korea
    - LEE Sang-sook
    1. Introduction to the Problem
    2. The Characteristics of North Korea’s Current Economic Situation
    2-1. The characteristics of the North Korean economy
    2-2. The characteristics of the Kim Jong-un regime’s economic policy
    2-3. The recent economic situation in North Korea
    3. The Current State of Economic Relations between North Korea and China
    3-1. The current state of trade between North Korea and China
    3-2. The current state of China’s investment in North Korea
    4. The Effect of China’s Economic Sanctions on North Korea and Its Causes
    4-1. The effect of China’s economic sanctions on North Korea
    4-2. The limitations of economic sanctions on North Korea
    4-2-1. The increase in general trade between North Korea and China
    4-2-2. The continuation of China’s energy assistance to and cooperation with North Korea
    4-3. The reasons for the limitations of China’s economic sanctions on North Korea
    4-3-1. The expansion of Chinese small enterprises’ trade with North Korea
    4-3-2. The increase in the number of North Korean laborers working in China
    4-3-3. The deepening of economic interdependence between North Korea and China, through the ethnic Koreans in China and overseas Chinese in North Korea
    5. Policy Implications
    5-1. The need to conduct a detailed analysis of the changes that marketization has brought to the North Korean society
    5-2. Avoiding excessive expectations on China’s economic sanctions against North Korea
    5-3. The need to plan a multilateral economic cooperation project in the Chinese border area
  • 기타
  • "2014"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 이상숙
  • "20140904"^^xsd:integer
  • 2014-37
  • KOR

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