First Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea and Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook ( ) at Linked Data

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  • First Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea and Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook
  • First Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea and Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook
  • First Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea and Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook
  • firstsessionofthe13thsupremepeople'sassemblyofnorthkoreaanddomesticandforeignpolicyoutlook
  • [IFANS Brief 2014-17]
    First Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea and Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook
    - LEE Sang-sook
    1. Background
    2. Status and Roles of the Supreme People's Assembly
    2-1. Status and Roles of the Supreme People's Assembly
    2-2. Roles of the Presidium of the SPA
    2-3. President of the Presidium
    3. Results of the First Session of the 13th SPA
    3-1. Direction of Case Analysis
    3-1-1. Proposing Policy Direction of the Cabinet through Establishment of Law
    3-1-2. Change of Elite Members
    3-2. Analysis of the Results of the First Session of the 13th SPA
    3-2-1. Strengthening of Direct Ruling System for Regime Stability
    3-2-2. Generational Change in Progress
    3-2-3. Military Budget
    3-2-4. Emphasis on the Cabinet's Role in the Economy
    3-2-5. Personnel Changes in Foreign Affairs
    4. North Korea's Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook
    4-1. Maintaining Stability by Inspiring Loyalty
    4-2. Continuing North Korean-style Economic Reform
    4-3. Further Strengthening of the Party's Nuclear Diplomacy and the Cabinet's Economic Diplomacy
    5. Policy Implications
    5-1. Continuing to Monitor the Changes in Foreign Affairs Personnel
    5-2. Observing the Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions on North Korea
    5-3. Increasing Opportunities for Contact with North Korean Citizens
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2014"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • LEE Sang-sook
  • "20140520"^^xsd:integer
  • 2014-17
  • ENG

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