International Relations in the South Pacific and Korea's Diplomatic Strategy ( ) at Linked Data

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  • International Relations in the South Pacific and Korea's Diplomatic Strategy
  • International Relations in the South Pacific and Korea's Diplomatic Strategy
  • International Relations in the South Pacific and Korea's Diplomatic Strategy
  • internationalrelationsinthesouthpacificandkorea'sdiplomaticstrategy
  • International Relations in the South Pacific and 
    Korea’s Diplomatic Strategy
    April 01, 2011 LEE Jae-hyon
    Visiting Professor
    The first Foreign Ministers’ 
    meeting between Korea and 
    South Pacific island countries 
    is scheduled to be held in 
    Korea in May 2011, and this calls for an 
    immediate need to increase the level of 
    interest towards South Pacific island 
    countries as well as coming up with 
    effective measures to improve the 
    relations between Korea and the region 
    as a whole. In addition, improving its 
    relations with South Pacific island 
    countries is expected to bring the 
    Korean government one step closer to 
    realizing its diplomatic vision, referred 
    to as “Global Korea,” and also enable 
    the country to successfully implement 
    its so-called “New Asia Initiative.” 
    Also, given that the South Pacific 
    region consists of many countries and a 
    substantial difference in objectives is 
    observed among the countries, Korea will 
    need to have a cooperative partner 
    among South Pacific island countries in 
    the region that will continuously support 
    the position of the Korean government. 
    In this regard, Solomon Islands are 
    perceived as an appropriate partner for 
    cooperation, and Korea can consider 
    establishing an embassy in Solomon 
    Islands to secure the support of the 
    country in the long run. Korea’s 
    diplomatic strategy of strengthening its 
    relations with South Pacific island 
    countries must be carried out by taking 
    into account Korea’s relations with those 
    countries which have vast interests in the
    region. It seems that Korea’s “New Asia 
    Initiative” covers this region and also well 
    coincides with the ultimate aim of the 
    government’s diplomatic vision for 
    achieving “Global Korea,” which 
    includes providing assistance to
    developing countries. Korea will be able 
    to succeed in strengthening its diplomatic
    relations and effectively provide 
    assistance to the South Pacific island 
    region only when these measures are 
    carried out based on the extensive 
    knowledge about the region. In this 
    regard, it will be required for the Korean 
    government to build a stronger
    groundwork inside Korea for conducting 
    research about the South Pacific island 
    region. IFANS 2011 ©
  • 기타
  • "2011"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 이재현
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  • 2011-04
  • KOR

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