The Political and Economic Implication of the Financial Crisis Facing Southern Europe ( ) at Linked Data

Property Value
  • The Political and Economic Implication of the Financial Crisis Facing Southern Europe
  • The Political and Economic Implication of the Financial Crisis Facing Southern Europe
  • The Political and Economic Implication of the Financial Crisis Facing Southern Europe
  • thepoliticalandeconomicimplicationofthefinancialcrisisfacingsoutherneurope
  • The Political and Economic Implication of the Financial 
    Crisis Facing Southern Europe 
    August 31, 2010 
    JUN Hae-won 
    Assistant Professor 
    Dept. of European and African Studies 
    In early 2010, when 
    borrowing in the financial 
    market has become 
    difficult for Greece due 
    to its lowered sovereign 
    credit rating combined with a rise in the 
    interest rates on government bonds, the 
    financial market suspected that Greece 
    might default in the end. Also, there 
    was a growing concern over budget 
    deficit of the so-called PIIGS(Portugal, 
    Italy, Ireland, and Spain) countries as 
    well as the United Kingdom. It seemed 
    that Greece’s financial crisis might 
    spread to other countries and ultimately 
    develop into a crisis of in the entire 
    euro zone. Also some raised their 
    concerns over delayed economic 
    recovery as well as increased 
    uncertainty in the EU’s economy. 
    If seen from another perspective, 
    it could be argued that responses of 
    each EU member state to Southern 
    Europe’s economic crisis have exposed 
    the weakness in political integration. 
    Although the consensus was finally 
    formed among many EU member 
    countries on the need for rescuing 
    Greece from a debt crisis in order to 
    prevent the ultimate collapse of the 
    entire euro zone, there has been public 
    backlash in some member states such as 
    Germany against taking measures to 
    rescue Greece from a financial abyss. A 
    recognized need for actions at the EU 
    level combined with a gap among the 
    opinions of euro countries have 
    reminded, once again, the fact that the 
    consensus on European integration at 
    the citizens’ level is yet to be achieved. 
    From a long-term perspective, attention 
    has been given as to how the EU will 
    overcome such democratic deficit.
  • 기타
  • "2010"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 전혜원
  • "20101021"^^xsd:integer
  • 2010-23
  • KOR

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