Current Situation in the Arctic and Its Future Prospects ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Current Situation in the Arctic and Its Future Prospects
  • Current Situation in the Arctic and Its Future Prospects
  • Current Situation in the Arctic and Its Future Prospects
  • currentsituationinthearcticanditsfutureprospects
  • Current Situation in the Arctic and Its Future 
    July13, 2010 
    CHO Jung-hyun 
    Visiting Professor 
    The phenomenon of climate 
    change, which is mostly 
    represented in the form of 
    global warming, is currently 
    posing a significant threat 
    to the Arctic’s fragile ecosystem and its 
    environment. On the other hand, a 
    dramatic reduction of sea ice in the 
    Arctic Ocean, caused also by global 
    warming, has been drawing economic 
    interests of coastal States in the Arctic 
    as well as other neighbouring States, 
    given the possibility of developing rich 
    resources at the bottom of the sea as 
    well as using sea lanes in the Arctic. In 
    addition, as it becomes more likely that 
    the Arctic is to be developed further in 
    the future, more attention is now being 
    given to the Arctic Ocean from a military 
    and security perspective. Another polar 
    region, the Antarctic Continent, has 
    been regarded as a ‘common heritage 
    of mankind’ based on the Antarctic 
    Treaty System and it has been successful 
    in freezing national claims to territorial 
    sovereignty over the region as well as 
    securing a framework for international 
    cooperation and environmental protection. 
    The Arctic Ocean, on the other hand, is 
    not endowed with such a well-established 
    system of international governance as 
    the case in the Antarctic, despite the 
    fact that the Arctic thaw, caused by the 
    temperature rise in summer, has greatly 
    increased the potential for the Arctic’s 
    economic use such as the development 
    of resources and use of sea lanes. In 
    addition, compared with the Antarctic, 
    the Arctic is where various floras, mammals 
    as well as a group of indigenous peoples 
    like the Inuit reside across regions. In 
    this vein, it seems necessary to examine 
    the current situation surrounding the 
    Arctic Ocean and to make an outlook 
    for its future, and this might suggest 
    some important policy implications for 
  • 기타
  • "2010"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 조정현
  • "20100713"^^xsd:integer
  • 2010-15
  • KOR

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