Outcome of the 8th NPT Review Conference and Prospects for the NPT ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/11746 ) at Linked Data

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  • Outcome of the 8th NPT Review Conference and Prospects for the NPT
  • Outcome of the 8th NPT Review Conference and Prospects for the NPT
  • Outcome of the 8th NPT Review Conference and Prospects for the NPT
  • outcomeofthe8thnptreviewconferenceandprospectsforthenpt
  • Outcome of the 8th NPT Review Conference and 
    Prospects for the NPT 
    June 22, 2010 
    PARK Jae-Jeok 
    Visiting Professor 
    The 8th NPT Review 
    Conference took place in 
    New York from May 3 to 
    28, 2010. There was a 
    shared perception between 
    Nuclear Weapon States(NWS) and 
    Non-nuclear Weapon States(NNWS) 
    that they should not repeat the “failure” 
    of the last review conference, which 
    ended without adopting the final 
    document. The followings are the 
    background of this year’s NPT Review 
    Conference. First of all, as North 
    Korea conducted nuclear tests in 2006 
    and 2009, and Iran continues to 
    develop its uranium enrichment 
    program despite the sanctions imposed 
    by the international community, 
    suspicion about Iran’s nuclear 
    development was further amplified. 
    This suggests that the NPT Regime is 
    now facing grave challenges both 
    internally and externally. In this regard, 
    many have expressed their concerns 
    that if this year’s conference ends in 
    failure, the very existence of the NPT 
    Regime can be jeopardized. Secondly, 
    with an increase in the number of 
    (potential) nuclear reactor states, 
    nuclear weapon states are faced with an 
    increasing need to control those states’ 
    energy program within the NPT 
    Regime. This was borne out of a 
    concern that (potential) nuclear reactor 
    states’ nuclear energy programs could 
    be used to produce nuclear weapons or 
    diverted to the hands of nuclear terror 
    groups for various purposes. Thirdly, 
    taking into consideration that current 
    level of control and supervision of 
    highly enriched uranium is relatively low 
    in a number of states, importance of 
    physical protection and security of 
    those nuclear materials has been 
    highlighted. Also, there was a shared 
    perception that the continuation of the 
    NPT Regime is closely related to 
    nuclear security. 
    Sixth, nuclear security will be more 
    closely connected with the three pillars 
    of the NPT, namely nuclear 
    disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation, 
    and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
  • 기타
  • "2010"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/kor/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=11746&menuCl=P08&clCode=P08&koreanEngSe=KOR"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 박재적
  • "20100709"^^xsd:integer
  • 2010-14
  • KOR

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