Prospects for International Relations in 2006 ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Prospects for International Relations in 2006
  • Prospects for International Relations in 2006
  • Prospects for International Relations in 2006
  • prospectsforinternationalrelationsin2006
  • 1. International Politics
    1.1 Continued Uncertainty from the Spread of
    Terrorism/Violence and Remaining Nuclear Problems 
    1.1.1 Regionalization and Deepening of International
    1.1.2 Negative Repercussions of Delayed Iran Nuclear
    1.2 Proliferation of Unconventional Security Threats and
    the “Securitization” of Natural Disasters
    1.2.1 Proliferation of “21st Century Vintage” Unconventional
    Security Threats
    1.2.2 Securitization of National Disasters
    1.3 Strategic Emergence of India and Central Asia and
    the Superpowers
    1.3.1 Rise of India and Central Asia’s Strategic Importance
    1.3.2 The Start of Great Games among the Superpowers
    1.4 UN Reforms in Deadlock
    1.4.1 Continued Difficulty for the Security Council and
    the Secretariat Reform
    1.4.2 Secretary-General Election Campaign Begins
    2. International Economy
    2.1 Continuation of Overall Stable Growth
    2.1.1 Improved Adaptability of the International Economy to
    Risk Factors
    2.1.2 Slow Economic Recovery of Developed Countries
    2.1.3 Continued High Growth Momentum of
    New Rising Countries and Developing Countries
    2.2 Latent Factors Limiting Growth
    2.2.1 Short-term Economic Imbalance between
    the United States and East Asian Countries
    2.2.2 Possibility of Continued High Oil Prices
    2.2.3 Remaining Non-Economic Uncertainties
    2.3 Growth of China and India’s Economic and Influence
    2.3.1 Rapid Rise of China and India’s Esteem in
    the World Economy
    2.3.2 Nations Intensifying Efforts to Access China and India
    2.4 Difficulties in the Advance of Multilateralism and
    the Proliferation of Regionalism
    2.4.1 Expected Difficulty in DDA Negotiations
    2.4.2 Proliferation of Regionalism
    3. Northeast Asia and Regional Cooperation
    3.1 Intensification of Strategic Cross-check and Competitive
    Relationships between U.S.-Japan and China-Russia
    3.2 Intensification of Conflicts over History-Territorial
    Disputes and National Tendencies
    3.3 Intensified Diplomacy and Competition for Resources
    3.4 Continuation of Mediation Phase for Resolving
    the North Korean Nuclear Problem
    3.5 Expansion of Regional Cooperation Scope to Cope with
    Unconventional Security Threats
    4. The Korean Peninsula and Inter-Korean Relations
    4.1 Strengthening Internal Solidarity in North Korea 
    4.1.1 The Military-First Policy Era and Strengthening Solidarity
    4.1.2 Continued Pursuit of the July 1st Economic Management
    Improvement Measures and Mitigating Adverse Effects 
    4.1.3 Solving the Food Problem and Strengthening
    Social Control
    4.2 Continuation of North Korea’s Selective Strategy toward
    South Korea
    4.2.1 Priority of Economic Cooperation with South Korea
    4.2.2 Continued Emphasis on National Cooperation
    4.3 Imbalance in Inter-Korean Relations 
    4.3.1 Continuation of Non-Linear Development
    4.3.2 Increasing South Korea’s Role
    4.3.3 Expanding Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation
    4.3.4 Potential for the Success of the Kaeseong Industrial
    4.3.5 Social/Cultural Exchange and Cooperation and
    Changes in Humanitarian Assistance
  • 국제정세전망
  • "2006"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • "20060629"^^xsd:integer
  • KOR

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