Korea ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/11378 ) at Linked Data

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  • Korea
  • Korea
  • Korea
  • korea
  • Korea’s Investment in China: 
    Status and Prospects
    Ahn, Hyo-seung
    Director General
    International Economy & Trade Studies
    Since the normalization of Korea-China diplomatic relations in 1992, the total volume of Korean corporate investment in China reached over $5 billion in approximately 5,800 cases, and in 2001, Korea overtook the United States to rank first in yearly investment in China. China investment, which results in the supply of raw and subsidiary materials, contributes to achieving trade surpluses and retaining sunset industries, which would otherwise die out due to their loss of competitiveness. 
    China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and continued success in attracting foreign investment will likely enable Beijing to maintain rapid growths for the next several years. Korean corporate investment in China, therefore, will increase, and investment sectors and types will likely make a transition from labor-intensive industries — mostly consisting of small- and medium-sized companies — to high value-added fields and large-scale joint ventures. Meanwhile, investment regions are expected to further expand into Shanghai and like places rather than being confined to Shandong and the three Northeast provinces (Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning) neighboring Korea.
    For Korean businesses to make more efficient investments, the Korean government should increase support for small- and medium-sized companies, which tend to lack information, funding, and human resources, to facilitate their advance into China; seek to establish a Korea-China cooperative model that is both productive and complementary; and make efforts to improve the domestic business climate.
  • 기타
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/kor/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=11378&menuCl=P08&clCode=P08&koreanEngSe=KOR"^^xsd:anyURI
  • "20050712"^^xsd:integer
  • KOR

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