The Koizumi Regime’s Perception of Foreign Relations and Prospects for Korea-Jap ( ) at Linked Data

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  • The Koizumi Regime’s Perception of Foreign Relations and Prospects for Korea-Jap
  • The Koizumi Regime’s Perception of Foreign Relations and Prospects for Korea-Jap
  • The Koizumi Regime’s Perception of Foreign Relations and Prospects for Korea-Jap
  • thekoizumiregime’sperceptionofforeignrelationsandprospectsforkorea-jap
  • The Koizumi Regime’s Perception of Foreign Relations and Prospects for Korea-Japan Relations
    Park Cheol Hee
    Professor, IFANS
    Since the advent of the Koizumi regime, Korea-Japan relations have been marked by ambivalence: rigidity over the history issue on the one hand, and an attempt to strengthen economic and cultural cooperation on the other. The shifts in the Japanese political circle’s axis of ideological confrontation bear relevance to the way the Koizumi regime conducts foreign relations. The controversy over the domestic systems, centered on the post-war Peace Constitution order established under the 1955 system, led to a confrontation in the 1990s between the proponents of a normal state and Japanese pacifists over Japan’s international contribution. More recently, it has led to a controversy over the increase of Japan’s international involvement and military roles. 
    Of the progressive, moderate-conservative, neo-conservative, and ultra-nationalist forces scattered throughout the Japanese political circle, the Koizumi regime is maintained by the neo-conservative and ultra-conservative forces’ support. As a result, the regime’s Korea policy manifests ambivalence reflecting the neo-conservative line that stresses Korea-US-Japan cooperation and the ultra-nationalist line that aims to exalt the country’s self-pride. The Koizumi regime is highly likely to run into a political ordeal in the future if public popularity wanes. 
    Korea needs to continually take the government’s resolute stance on the Koizumi regime’s policy on history and, at the same time, deepen Japanese next-generation political leaders’ understanding of Korea. Moreover, Korea needs to stimulate exchanges between the two countries’ opinion leaders.
  • 기타
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • "20050712"^^xsd:integer
  • KOR

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