IFR 96-2 (V.4, NO.2) Korea's Role and Contributions in the UN Security Council ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/11244 ) at Linked Data

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  • IFR 96-2 (V.4, NO.2) Korea's Role and Contributions in the UN Security Council
  • IFR 96-2 (V.4, NO.2) Korea's Role and Contributions in the UN Security Council
  • IFR 96-2 (V.4, NO.2) Korea's Role and Contributions in the UN Security Council
  • ifr96-2(v.4,no.2)korea'sroleandcontributionsintheunsecuritycouncil
  • Korea's Role and Contributions in the UN Security Council
    Jong-Moo Choi
    Deputy Director-General of the UN System Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    The year 1995 is considered by Koreans to have been a significant milestone in Korean
    diplomacy. On November 8, the Republic of Korea was elected to the UN Security
    Council with an overwhelming 156 approval votes of the 177 UN member states who
    participated in voting. Korea now sits on the Security Council as a nonpermanent
    member for the 1996∼97 term with four other newly elected countries Chile, Poland,
    Egypt and Guinea Bissau.
    When we consider that Korea joined the United Nations in September 1991, its election
    to the Security Council in just 4 years is remarkable. This reflects the strong support
    and confidence of the international community for Korea to play a larger role in the UN
    for international peace and prosperity. It also means that the international community
    fully appreciates Korea's contribution toward various UN activities for the
    implementation of the fundamental goals and principles of the UN.
    The Security Council membership also bears special significance for Korea as the
    United Nations has occupied an unique position in Korea's modern history during the
    last half century. It is the United Nations that supervised the first general elections in
    Korea in 1948 and recognized the Government of the Republic of Korea as the only
    lawful government on the Korean peninsula. During the Korean War, the South repelled
    the North Korean invasion with the help of troops from 16 countries, all fighting under
    the United Nations flag. The United Nations also helped rehabilitate Korea after the war.
    Korea's admission to the United Nations in 1991 was a historic event that opened new
    horizons for its diplomacy. It gave Korea the long-awaited opportunity to increase its
    contribution to the international community on the strength of its increased economic
    capability. Now, by joining the Security Council, Korea is facing new challenges as well
    as opportunities for its mature role in international relations.
    Against this background, this paper will focus on the contributions Korea hopes to make
    during its term on the Security Council. Prior to that, I will first briefly review the
    changed environment for the role of the Security Council and the ongoing discussions
    on the restructuring of the Security Council.
    Peace and Security after the Cold War
    Reform of the Security Council
    Korea's Role and Contributions in the Security Council
    Source Materials
    The Challenges and Opportunities Facing Korea in the Twentyfirst
    Korea's UN Security Council Membership: Challenges and Opportunities
  • 기타
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/kor/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=11244&menuCl=P08&clCode=P08&koreanEngSe=KOR"^^xsd:anyURI
  • "20050526"^^xsd:integer
  • KOR

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