IFR 94-2 (V.2, NO.2) Bilateral Dimensions of Major Power Relations in Northeast Asia ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/10774 ) at Linked Data

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  • IFR 94-2 (V.2, NO.2) Bilateral Dimensions of Major Power Relations in Northeast Asia
  • IFR 94-2 (V.2, NO.2) Bilateral Dimensions of Major Power Relations in Northeast Asia
  • IFR 94-2 (V.2, NO.2) Bilateral Dimensions of Major Power Relations in Northeast Asia
  • ifr94-2(v.2,no.2)bilateraldimensionsofmajorpowerrelationsinnortheastasia
  • Bilateral Dimensions of Major Power Relations in Northeast Asia 
    Kook-Chin Kim
    Academicians and theorists of international relations count the U.S., Japan, China, 
    Russia and the European Union as the protagonists of the next century. Apart from the 
    EU, the interests of all the other powers, commonly referred to in Korea as "four 
    powers," directly converge in the Korean peninsula. This places Northeast Asia and 
    Korea at the epicenter of the Asia-Pacific security. 
    Korea's growing power and geopolitical importance makes its role in this region 
    significant. In other words, Korea's policy options will have increasing weight and 
    importance. Pyongyang's failure to adapt to the changing international order, as 
    evidenced by its nuclear question, constitutes a serious problem to the Republic of 
    Korea and to the world. The ultimate solution can come with the unification of the 
    Korean peninsula. 
    To facilitate the unification process as well as to prepare beyond unification, Korea will 
    focus its diplomatic efforts on helping North Korea become a participant in the world 
    and regional order. By removing the legacy of the Cold War, Korea will also be 
    contributing to the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific. 
    As part of this strategy also, Korea will endeavor to promote regional multilateral 
    mechanisms. The pursuit of multilateral security in Northeast Asia, promotion of APEC, 
    and institutional linkage with NAFTA, thus connecting it with East Asia, are some of 
    these policy options. 
    Korea is now striving to "internationalize" its own society. Regional cooperation can be 
    the first step to the internationalization of Korea. It is also a short-cut. Much of it can 
    be realized in the context of the Korea-U.S. relationship. In Korea, Westerners have 
    been commonly called "miguk saram" (Americans), while in Japan they are called 
    "gaijin" (foreigners). 
    In this respect, internationalization of Korea means harmony not only between East and 
    West, but, as important, also between Korea and the United States. Korea will serve as a medium in geographical as well as cultural aspects. Korea intends to play the bridging 
    role between the East and the West, China and Japan, and between the United States on 
    the one hand and each of the major East Asian powers on the other. 
    Korea has a historic task as a country situated at the epicenter of the Asia-Pacific 
    security. And by answering this call, Korea shall expand the scope of its diplomacy and 
    greet the 21st century of hope and prosperity. In this endeavor, Korea-U.S. partnership 
    is an indispensable element.
  • 기타
  • "2000"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/kor/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=10774&menuCl=P08&clCode=P08&koreanEngSe=KOR"^^xsd:anyURI
  • "20000901"^^xsd:integer
  • KOR

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