Political sustainability of the Eurozone ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/10596 ) at Linked Data

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  • Political sustainability of the Eurozone
  • Political sustainability of the Eurozone
  • Political sustainability of the Eurozone
  • politicalsustainabilityoftheeurozone
  • Political sustainability of the Eurozone
    March 07, 2011 JUN Hae-won
    Assistant Professor
    Dept. of European and African Studies
    Since the Greek budget crisis 
    in early 2010, the European 
    Union has not solved the 
    fundamental problems of 
    the European Economic and Monetary 
    Union. The lack of solutions led some 
    people to question the future of the 
    Euro and suspect the breakdown of the 
    eurozone. However, the breakdown of 
    eurozone is highly unlikely considering 
    the enormous costs expected to be 
    incurred in both political and economic 
    terms. Not only the European Union 
    but also the world economy would be 
    placed in extreme danger if a country 
    leaves the eurozone or the Euro itself 
    stops to exist. All of the solutions that 
    have been suggested for the eurozone 
    crisis within the EU are based on the 
    premise that the Euro will and should 
    Another opportunity for enhancing 
    cooperation with the EU lies in the 
    areas of R&D and education. Although 
    greater emphasis has been placed on 
    investment in R&D and education as 
    these two have been identified as 
    possible ways to increase the EU’s 
    competitiveness, it still remains difficult 
    to make a real investment in those areas 
    given austerity in the current EU 
    budget. In the area of education, 
    continuing austerity measures will 
    increase the possibility of reducing the 
    budget allocated to the education sector 
    despite a clear need for an investment 
    in this sector. Considering that the EU 
    cannot forego investment opportunities 
    in R&D and education sectors in order 
    to strengthen its competitiveness, it is
    likely that the Union will turn to 
    improving relations with the countries 
    outside the EU in order to handle the 
    given situation. Also, given the EU’s 
    technical advantage in the environment
    sector and Korea’s ambition to build 
    competence for sustainable development 
    in that particular field, it is called for the 
    Korean government to achieve greater 
    cooperation with the EU in sustainable 
    development. Expanding academic 
    exchanges between Korea and Europe, 
    such as the development of joint 
    academic programs between universities 
    in Korea and European universities, 
    would eventually allow Korea to increase
    its competitiveness in the area of education 
    in the context of the Asian region.
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2011"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/eng/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=10596&menuCl=P09&clCode=P09&koreanEngSe=ENG"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 기획조사과
  • "20110331"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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