U.S. Responses to Rise of China ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/10594 ) at Linked Data

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  • U.S. Responses to Rise of China
  • U.S. Responses to Rise of China
  • U.S. Responses to Rise of China
  • u.s.responsestoriseofchina
  • U.S. Responses to Rise of China 
    January 18, 2011 
    CHOI Wooseon
    Assistant Professor
    Dept. of National Security and Unification Studies
    The international power struc-ture is currently going through 
    a rapid and important change
    within it. China’s rapid growth
    lies at the core of this change. However, 
    unlike the observation that China has 
    emerged as a great power, thereby forming
    the G-2, the international system and the 
    regional system in East Asia is an 
    unipolarity in which the United States
    remains the sole great power with 
    economic superiority and immense 
    military predominance.
    While clearly understanding the 
    differences in interests and policy views 
    of two countries, South Korea needs to 
    strengthen cooperation with China in 
    order to resolve the North Korea’s 
    nuclear problem, ease intense tension 
    with North Korea and deter North 
    Korea’s another provocation. In addition,
    South Korea should enhance diplomatic
    efforts to avoid misunderstanding in case
    that the North Korean regime collapses 
    because it is possible that South Korea 
    might be involved in a competition for 
    preemptive action with China which has 
    a vital strategic interest in maintaining 
    the North Korean regime. Also, China 
    will possibly worry about the emergence
    of a unified Korea, particularly when 
    the unification is led by South Korea. In 
    this regard, South Korea should make consistent diplomatic efforts to assure 
    China that the South Korean government
    does not pursue the collapse of the 
    North Korean regime as its policy 
    objective and that South Korea has no 
    intention to turn hostile towards China 
    even after the unification. South Korea 
    also needs to assure China that China’s 
    strategic interest will be taken into 
    account and that the unified Korea will 
    contribute to the regional stability which
    is vital for the development of both 
    countries in the future.
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2011"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/eng/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=10594&menuCl=P09&clCode=P09&koreanEngSe=ENG"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 기획조사과
  • "20110308"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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