East Asia's International Relations and National Strategies as Reflected in East Asian Regional Cooperation ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/10554 ) at Linked Data

Property Value
  • East Asia's International Relations and National Strategies as Reflected in East Asian Regional Cooperation
  • East Asia's International Relations and National Strategies as Reflected in East Asian Regional Cooperation
  • East Asia's International Relations and National Strategies as Reflected in East Asian Regional Cooperation
  • eastasia'sinternationalrelationsandnationalstrategiesasreflectedineastasianregionalcooperation
  • East Asia’s International Relations and National Strategies 
    as Reflected in East Asian Regional Cooperation
    LEE, Jaehyon
     Visiting Professor
    East Asian regional cooperation, which 
    traces their beginning to the 1997 
    Asian financial crisis, has continued 
    well into present times. However, it 
    has been observed that impetus of 
    regional cooperation was significantly 
    weakened after the mid-2000s. 
    Despite a number of progress made during this period, 
    including multilateralization of Chiang-Mai Initiative, 
    the following elements are known to have contributed to 
    weakening East Asian regional cooperation. First of all, 
    regional leadership seems to be missing in East Asia 
    region after the mid-2000s. Also, a sense of crisis 
    brought on by the Asian financial crisis is now receding. 
    Global financial crisis, on the other hand, drove East 
    Asian countries to concentrate on finding ways for their 
    individual survival rather than uniting with other East 
    Asian countries at the regional level. However, 
    continuous efforts have been made behind the scenes to 
    seek for a new path along with ongoing competition over 
    the leadership role in the region. As those efforts have 
    finally come to the surface in recent years, they are now 
    positioning themselves as an important variable in 
    regional order and cooperation of East Asia. This report 
    is aimed at reviewing what those variables are and in 
    which direction they have evolved up to now. Based on 
    such analysis, the most appropriate policy position of the 
    Korean government will be suggested.
  • IFANS Focus
  • "2010"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/eng/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=10554&menuCl=P11&clCode=P11&koreanEngSe=ENG"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 기획조사과
  • "20100531"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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