Marking the 1st Anniversary of President Obama's Inauguration : Evaluation and Prospect ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Marking the 1st Anniversary of President Obama's Inauguration : Evaluation and Prospect
  • Marking the 1st Anniversary of President Obama's Inauguration : Evaluation and Prospect
  • Marking the 1st Anniversary of President Obama's Inauguration : Evaluation and Prospect
  • markingthe1stanniversaryofpresidentobama'sinauguration:evaluationandprospect
  • Marking the 1st Anniversary of President 
    Obama’s Inauguration: Evaluation and Prospect
    KIM, Hyun-Wook
    Dept. of American Studies
    One year has already passed since 
    Barack Obama was sworn in as the 
    president of the United States in 
    January 2009. Despite mounting 
    attention and expectations, the 
    Obama administration was faced with 
    many dilemmas, and the most serious 
    in nature amongst all was U.S. recovery from financial 
    crisis. As of now, after the launch of the massive 
    government-led fiscal injection, the rate went from 
    minus 6.4% growth in the first quarter to positive growth 
    as it enters the third quarter, and now it is showing the 
    signs of recovery by maintaining the 2% level growth. 
    However, as the unemployment rate hits 10%, the U.S .is 
    currently experiencing continuing reduction in jobs. The 
    general assessment is that the U.S. government was 
    successful in rescuing the U.S. economy from the crisis 
    by using government intervention in timely and rapid 
    manner, but the recovery has not reached the stable stage 
    where Americans will be allowed to feel the economic 
    recovery themselves. Two major problems can be 
    identified in the Obama administration’s economic 
    policy. First problem is related to the questions of 
    whether the tax cut policy is foreseeable given 
    continuous fiscal deficit in the country, and, if so, how 
    long fiscal policy is expected to remain effective. Second, 
    with regard to the fairness issue related to bailout, the 
    common view is that the bailout of the auto industry 
    came with rather strict conditions whereas the nature of 
    the bailout put in place in finance sector was far lenient.
    Health Insurance Reform Proposals now in process in
  • IFANS Focus
  • "2010"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 기획조사과
  • "20100126"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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