Prospects for Hatoyama Cabinet's Foreign Policy ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Prospects for Hatoyama Cabinet's Foreign Policy
  • Prospects for Hatoyama Cabinet's Foreign Policy
  • Prospects for Hatoyama Cabinet's Foreign Policy
  • prospectsforhatoyamacabinet'sforeignpolicy
  • Prospects for Hatoyama Cabinet's Foreign Policy
    December 9, 2009
    JO Yanghyeon
    Dept. of Asian and Pacific Studies
    Japan's foreign policy
    platform is undergoing a
    paradigm shift from the
    "Yoshida Doctrine" of the
    Cold War era to the concept
    of "normal state." The basic objectives of
    the "normal state" concept are to possess
    defense capabilities befitting Japan's
    economic capacity, positively make
    international contributions with those
    defense capabilities, and, if needed, dispatch
    the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF)
    overseas and revise the constitution to
    that end. In terms of governing foreign
    policy ideology, the Democratic Party
    of Japan (DPJ) cabinet, which was
    inaugurated in September 2009, shares
    the "normal state" concept that has
    taken root in Japan since the mid-1990s.
    Japan will stay on the "militarily
    normal state" path, which it has been
    on since the end of the Cold War, as
    well as, during the DPJ cabinet's rule.
    Japan will not likely become a military
    power in the foreseeable future, for the
    DPJ cabinet has pledged to slash the
    country's defense budget and inherit
    the US-Japan security system. However,
    moves toward "becoming independent
    from the United States" will surface in
    Japanese society, and against that
    backdrop, Japan may be reborn as a
    "normal state" in the true sense of the
    word—a nation free to possess military
    capabilities and exercise the right of
    collective self-defense without a care
    for US opinion. The LDP's endeavors
    toward turning Japan into a normal
    state were premised on realigning and
    strengthening the US-Japan alliance; the
    advent of the Hatoyama cabinet, which
    espouses an "equal US-Japan relationship,"
    signals riper conditions for Japan to build
    independent security capabilities over the
    medium to long term.
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2009"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 기획조사과
  • "20091215"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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