Prospects of North Korea-China Relations:Inter-Korean Summit and Thereafter ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Prospects of North Korea-China Relations:Inter-Korean Summit and Thereafter
  • Prospects of North Korea-China Relations:Inter-Korean Summit and Thereafter
  • Prospects of North Korea-China Relations:Inter-Korean Summit and Thereafter
  • prospectsofnorthkorea-chinarelations:inter-koreansummitandthereafter
  • North Korea and the China-style Model of
    Reform and Development
    Park Doo-bok
          Professor, IFANS
    Kim Jung-il’s visit to Putung can be assessed as “the event” that foretold a sea change in North Korean society. This does not seem to be a mere shift in North Korea’s attitude to China’s market opening and reform, but a symbolic measure North Korea has voluntarily taken to express its own desire for a policy shift toward opening and reform. Should North Korea actually implement this policy shift, it will (from a macroscopic perspective) take a deep interest in the China-style model of reform and development, under which China has minimized changes in its political system while achieving high economic growth through far-reaching reforms in the economic realm.
       The reforms North Korea may pursue in the future will take the form of “reform and change from the top” rather than “reform and change from the bottom”, as was the case with China. As Deng Xiaoping revised Maoism to fit the Chinese reformers’ concepts of “development”—through Mao’s epistemological methodology and authority—one cannot leave out the possibility that Kim Jung-il, too (albeit in different ways) will mold the Juche idea to fit his reform policy in the name of “development.” 
       From a more narrow perspective, however, the clear disparities between China’s and North Korea’s situations and conditions will limit North Korea’s acceptance of the China model in its original form. Therefore, North Korea will have to seek a development model that is a combination of the China model as well as a clear reflection of North Korea’s current situation.
       As North Korea has positively recognized China’s reform line—at least the line proper—close Sino-North Korea cooperation on North Korea’s opening and reform has become possible. Therefore, South Korea must cooperate with China to induce the latter to pursue a more proactive policy in leading North Korea to shift its policy toward opening and reform.
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • Park Doo Bok
  • "20050712"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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