The “Three-Represent’s” Theory and Prospect for Characteristical Change in the C ( ) at Linked Data

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  • The “Three-Represent’s” Theory and Prospect for Characteristical Change in the C
  • The “Three-Represent’s” Theory and Prospect for Characteristical Change in the C
  • The “Three-Represent’s” Theory and Prospect for Characteristical Change in the C
  • the“three-represent’s”theoryandprospectforcharacteristicalchangeinthec
  • The “Three-Represent’s” Theory and Prospects for Characteristical Change in the Chinese Communist Party
    Park Doo-bok
          Professor, IFANS
    The “Three-Represent’s” can be assessed as the CCP’s new approach to the drastic changes taking place in and outside the country. It can be regarded as a theoretic framework for revamping the party in the course of assimilating to such changes the CCP’s nature, which, until the present, have been formed from a class-based perspective. That is, it can be seen as a logic driven at securing the legitimacy of the party’s characteristical changes and leaving some maneuvering room for the party. Non-application of the class theory and neutralization—the theories that were mostly confined to the economic sector until now—are extending to the political sector, thus leading to the CCP’s characteristical and structural changes. The “Three- Represent’s,” in this light, can be assessed as a major turning point in thought and a significant development of theory. 
    By following the teachings of the “Three-Represent’s” and attaining characteristical changes in the course of assimilating itself to social strata changes and the pluralization trend of society, interests, and ideologies, the CCP will till the soil on which it will etiolate the party’s class-based structure and spur on political pluralism in Chinese society. In particular, the legalization of party membership of private entrepreneurs, freelance workers, and engineers and their absorption into the party will inject new blood into the CCP, whose ruling base has been slowly eroded by reform and opening up. On the other hand, it will result in etiolating the party-unique characteristics and weaken its ideological solidarity. These developments, coupled with China’s accession into the WTO and the consequent acceleration of marketization reforms, will become a major source of pressure demanding political reform.
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • Park Doo Bok
  • "20050712"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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