Regional Security and the Korean Peninsula: Glimpses into the 21st Century ( ) at Linked Data

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  • Regional Security and the Korean Peninsula: Glimpses into the 21st Century
  • Regional Security and the Korean Peninsula: Glimpses into the 21st Century
  • Regional Security and the Korean Peninsula: Glimpses into the 21st Century
  • regionalsecurityandthekoreanpeninsula:glimpsesintothe21stcentury
  • Keynote address delivered at the 2nd CSCAP General Meeting, The Hotel Shilla, Seoul, Korea, December 4, 1999.
    Dr. Han Sung-joo, Dr. Carolina Hernandez, Dr. Kim Dalchoong, distinguished participants from abroad and Korea, members of the diplomatic corps, ladies and gentleman,
    I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome the respective delegates from the Council for Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific or CSCAP to Seoul on the occasion of the 2nd General Meeting. I understand that the 7th Comprehensive Security Working Group Meeting and the 12th Steering Committee Meeting were also successfully concluded over the course of the last several days. 
    As we stand poised to enter the new millennium and the 21st century, it is a natural benchmark to review the past, to creatively manage current problems, and to conceptualize about future directions and goals. Seen from these perspectives, the 2nd CSCAP General Meeting is being convened at a most opportune moment. Based on the overall theme of 'Asia-Pacific Security in the New Millennium and the Role of CSCAP,' this conference has brought together leading experts, officials, and researchers in international and regional security throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
    While all of you are well aware of the critical forces and issues involving regional security and stability, allow me to briefly review three major issues. First, key regional trends and strategic drivers from a Korean perspective; second, prospects for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula; and prospects for multilateral security cooperation going into the 21st century.
    Major Strategic Trends in East Asia
    Forecasting Developments on the Korean Peninsula
    The Multilateral Security Agenda
  • IFANS Focus
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • ""^^xsd:anyURI
  • 관리자
  • "20050526"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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