Political Dynamism of North Korea ( http://opendata.mofa.go.kr/mofapub/resource/Publication/10371 ) at Linked Data

Property Value
  • Political Dynamism of North Korea
  • Political Dynamism of North Korea
  • Political Dynamism of North Korea
  • politicaldynamismofnorthkorea
  • Political Dynamism of North Korea
    저 자 명 : Yun Duk-min 
    날 짜 : 1998.12 
    Ⅰ. Foreword
    Since the socialist governments of eastern Europe collapsed like dominoes in the wake 
    of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the situation in North Korea has steadily 
    deteriorated into a general crisis, arguably the worst since the founding of the 
    Pyongyang regime in 1948. It is questionable whether the regime is capable of 
    overcoming its current problems, which are largely attributable to structural 
    deficiencies such as organizational and systemic fatigue afflicting the socialist regime 
    based on the Juche ideology of self-reliance. 
    The only solution to such a situation would be a fundamental structural reform. Over the 
    past four years, following the death of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il has demonstrated no 
    vision for reforming his regime. North Korea has recently reorganized its state 
    mechanism by amending the constitution on September 5. To the dismay of the outside 
    world, North Korea seems to have returned to a revolutionary, military government 
    system without a nominal head of state. 
    In typical fashion, North Korea did not live up to the expectations of the outside world 
    that Kim Jong-il would be elected to be the president at the newly-convened 
    parliamentary session and instead created an extraordinary leadership, headed by the 
    chairman of the National Defense Commission, as if the nation were in a state of war. 
    This paper attempts to evaluate recent changes in the political situation in North Korea, 
    discuss possible changes in military, economic and diplomatic policies followed by 
    realignment of the ruling system, and analyze the influence on regional stability.
  • Past Publications
  • 오럴히스토리총서
  • "2005"^^xsd:integer
  • "https://www.ifans.go.kr/knda/ifans/eng/pblct/PblctView.do?csrfPreventionSalt=null&pblctDtaSn=10371&menuCl=P09&clCode=P09&koreanEngSe=ENG"^^xsd:anyURI
  • 관리자
  • "20050526"^^xsd:integer
  • ENG

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